
Tuesday 3 April 2012

It's been awhile. . .

So it has been ages. Over 6 months, I think, which is terrible but I'm writing now so its all good. I have started Uni and have been kept pretty busy. The course is a bit boring but its nothing to overly complain about and its basically finished for the year now so I have more time to do stuff like this:

And this. . . 

And this. . . 

And this. . . 

And a few more like it. These are all for sale in the "MadeinCoventry" in Coventry, which is pretty cool. I also have a load of cards for sale there as well, so if you live round Cov have a look and buy something! :)

If you don't live in Coventry, but like my work and would like to commission a piece e-mail me on:

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