
Thursday 22 September 2011

Some New Stuff

So I did some more of my chalk pastel/dancer drawings the other day. I'm pretty happy with them for the most part anyway. Now just to sell them and I'd be very happy! :)

This one was my first one to do out of the set. It is as white and stands out as much as the others its just I took the photo in bad light. 

This is the second one I did in this set. I think its the second one I've ever done like this with a female and a make in it. The pose was really hard, I kept making his far arm look way too long and then his other one looked tiny. It took ages to fix it so they didn't look out of proportion.

Last but not least. . . . .

I like this one the most I think. The pose is pretty simple and I tink it looks pretty in proportion and that the perspective is pretty good as well.

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