
Thursday, 22 September 2011

Wedding Paintings

I recently got invited to an afters of a wedding and hadn't a clue what to give the couple as a wedding present. But their invitations had this amazing painting on the front, so I decided to do a painting for them of the picture they had chosen for their invites. Only to discover, after finishing the painting, it was acutally one they had bought and had up in their home. So after a bit of thought I decided to stay on the same theme as their invite picture and do my own remakes of it to go with their own painting at home.

This was my version of the original painting, which was done by a grafitti artist in oils. I want no comments about karma sutra or anything of the like. Which is what my friend said it reminded her of after I had asked if she wanted it. (She said she'd put it on her bedroom wall after that comment!)

Then I did these two which I gave to the newly married couple. They're not really at all as good but because I had only found out they already had the original painting a couple of days before the wedding I didn't really have that long to consider them properly otherwise the might have turned out a bit better.

Anyway the couple really liked them and there was quite a few comments about them at the afters so they can't look too bad!

Some New Stuff

So I did some more of my chalk pastel/dancer drawings the other day. I'm pretty happy with them for the most part anyway. Now just to sell them and I'd be very happy! :)

This one was my first one to do out of the set. It is as white and stands out as much as the others its just I took the photo in bad light. 

This is the second one I did in this set. I think its the second one I've ever done like this with a female and a make in it. The pose was really hard, I kept making his far arm look way too long and then his other one looked tiny. It took ages to fix it so they didn't look out of proportion.

Last but not least. . . . .

I like this one the most I think. The pose is pretty simple and I tink it looks pretty in proportion and that the perspective is pretty good as well.

Thursday, 30 June 2011


Ok so you's may have noticed I just posted a gallery page. I'm doing some advertising as I'm in serious need of increasing my current funds (which is none btw) for college, which is coming around all too soon! Anyway basically the gallery is to display works I have for sale and also to display murals, portraits etc that I've already done.

If you want to buy anything or want a commissioned work, portrait, mural or a cool idea for a painting let me know by leaving a comment or e-mailing me on

Thank you!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

RDS Students Arts Awards

So there's this competition in the RDS and their taking submissions. I'm not 100% I'm eligible to submit anything but I'll know within the next couple of days. This is what I'm submitting anyway. . . . and yes he is actually wearing trousers, for those who don't think he is.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Much More Me!

This is most definitely more the kind of style I want to be identified with. I love my dark teddy bears and cute but scary creatures. Animation/Illustration definitely what areas I wanna get into. . . .I think anyway!

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Still Lives!

So many still life drawings its unreal. But practice makes perfect I guess. I like this I spent awhile on this one I think it was two hours over a couple of days at school. The photo makes it look worse than it is. . .I think anyway! Anyways it was the first one I tried with colouring pencils. I love the little wire ballerina at the side. I think it was a leaving cert project that had been left in the art room it was really well done anyway, except for its head that was a bit odd.

I'll post some newer stuff when I get the chance. At the minute I don't have pictures of them and with out a camera its a bit hard to get them on the computer!

Friday, 29 April 2011

Early Stuff

I like this picture. I did it ages ago for my boyfriend at the time. I know its definitely not the best thing I've made but I think its just nice and simple and for chalk pastels, which were completely new to me at the time, I think I did an ok job on it.